Robobrawl 30lb robot


  • Step 1

    Begin registration by filling out the form below.

  • Steqp 2

    Wait for a follow-up email regarding your registration status. If approved in the first wave September 8th, detailed payment instructions will be included. If on the waitlist, reasons will be specified (e.g., full bracket, or before October 2nd your team is not an approved first wave competitor).

  • Note

    Approved registrants will be expected to pay the $50 registration fee through UIUC ECE Payment Gateway (account details will be specified in the follow-up email) and a separate $75 safety deposit at competition check-in in the form of a check . Please add the payment format (listed below) to your UIUC ECE Payment Gateway payment note section and on the envelope of your security deposit check. You'll get a confirmation email once your UIUC ECE Payment Gateway payment has been received. If your UIUC ECE Payment Gateway payment has been processed successfully and you haven't received a confirmation email, please email us immediately.


  • Note

    Your team will be expected to have the $75 safety deposit check and enevelope with your information following the payment format ready by comeptition check-in date. If no significant damage has been caused to Robobrawl Commitee / University of Illinois property, and no significant safety violations occur, your team will be presented with the check.

  • Step 1

    Make the check payable to "Jason Mei” (Robobrawl Coordinator).

  • Step 2

    Write 4/5/2025 on the date line.

  • Step 3

    Write $75.00 for the amount and Seventy-five for the written amount.

  • Step 4

    Write the bank holder’s name on the name line.

  • Step 5

    Write your information on the check's envelope following the payment format.


  • Note

    Include all of the following information in your UIUC ECE Payment Gateway payment note section and the envelope containing your security deposit check.

  • Format

    1. Team Name

    2. Primary Source of Contact (Include Name and Phone Number)

    3. School Name (if affiliated)

Questions or Concerns? Message us on Discord or email us at